Dream Kitchens Blog

Kitchen Design -Optical Illusions To Make It Look Large

A small kitchen is better than a crowded kitchen which is not organized properly. Expanding the kitchen design can be costly which is why the best solution is to make use of optical illusions which can make a small room look large.

The kitchen design must use clean lines to style the space and have cabinetry to the ceiling which will make it look taller. Keeping the countertops clean and having proper storage space is extremely important which is why kitchen design must have recess storage.

Use of open shelving in kitchen design gives an illusion of expansive space and also keeps the counter space open. Use of glass doors for kitchen cabinets lightens the look and lends a more open and expansive dimension to the kitchen design. To keep the kitchen design continuous, one may use similar colours to paint the cabinets. This also helps in erasing visual boundaries and makes the kitchen appear larger.


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